Evolution of registered capital


Roularta Media Group was founded on 11 May 1988 as Roularta Financieringsmaatschappij. The table below lists the events that since then have affected the company's capital and the securities representing it.

Year - Month

Transaction Number of shares Capital  BEF / EUR
1988 - May Foundation as Roularta Financieringsmaatschappij


381,000,000 BEF
1993 - July Merger - capital increase  13,009 392,344,000 BEF
1997 - December Split - capital increase  18,137 546,964,924 BEF
1997 - December Merger - capital increase  22,389 675,254,924 BEF
1997 - December Capital increase  24,341 734,074,465 BEF
1997 - December

Name changed into Roularta Media Group

1998 - June Issue of 300,000 warrants - amendment of articles of association  2,434,100 734,074,465 BEF
1998 - June Merger - capital increase  2,690,400 1,545,457,541 BEF
1998 - June

Contribution of debt receivable - capital increase 

8,277,700 2,496,457,541 BEF
- December
Contribution of debt receivable - capital increase  9,611,034


2001 - June Conversion of capital into euros - capital increase by conversion of 61,950 warrants  9,672,984 111,743,000.00 EUR
2001 - October

Destruction of 119,305 own shares 

9,553,679 111,743,000.00 EUR
2002 - June Capital increase by conversion of 35,350 warrants  9,589,029 112,138,000.00 EUR
2003 - June

Capital increase by conversion of 43,475 warrants 

9,632,504 112,623,000.00 EUR
2003 - July

Capital increase by contribution in kind 

9,884,986 118,463,000.00 EUR
2004 - June

Capital increase by conversion of 43,625 warrants 

9,928,611 118,950,000.00 EUR
2005 - June

Capital increase by conversion of 28,350 warrants

9,956,961 119,267,000.00 EUR
2006 - January Capital increase by conversion of 39,090 warrants 9,996,051 120,054,000.00 EUR
2006 - February Capital increase by contribution in cash 10,985,660


2006 - May Incorporation of an issue premium 10,985,660 170,029,300.00 EUR
2006 - June Capital increase by conversion of 19,825 warrants 11,005,485 170,250,500.00 EUR
2007 - January Capital increase by conversion of 9,340 warrants 11,014,825 170,439,000.00 EUR
2007 - June Capital increase by conversion of 22,225 warrants 11,037,050 170,687,000.00 EUR
2008 - January

Capital increase by conversion of 7,864 warrants

11,044,914 170,846,000.00 EUR
2008 - May Capital increase by conversion of 17.375 warrants


171,040,000.00 EUR
2008 - December Capital increase by contribution in cash 13,131,940


2011 - January

Capital increase by conversion of 17.375 warrants


203,225,000.00 EUR
2015 - May Capital reduction 13,141,123 80,000,000.00 EUR
2015 - June Merger - Roularta Media Group NV with Roularta Printing NV, Biblo NV, De Streekkrant - De Weekkrantgroep NV, Euro DB NV, Le Vif Magazine SA, New Bizz Partners NV, Press News NV, Regie De Weekkrant NV, Roularta Business Leads NV, Roularta IT-Solutions NV, Roularta Publishing NV and West-Vlaamse Media Groep NV 13,141,123 80,000,000.00 EUR
2019-June Merger Roularta Media Group NV with Bright Communications BVBA 13,141,123 80,000,000.00 EUR
2020-May Introduction by the extraordinary general meeting of double voting rights in accordance with article 7:53 BCAC
2020-June Merger Roularta Media Group NV with Senior Publications NV 13,141,123 80,000,000.00 EUR
2021-July Merger Roularta Media Group NV with Belgomedia SA 13,141,123 80,000,000.00 EUR
2022-July Merger Roularta Media Group NV with Gezondheid NV 13,141,123 80,000,000.00 EUR
2024-june Capital increase under the authorised capital by contribution in kind in the context of the optionnal dividend 13,391,920 84,815,953.73  EUR