

Roularta Media Group focuses on human capital, employees and freelance professionals.

On 31/12/2019, Roularta Media Group (Roularta Media Group and its 100% subsidiaries) was home to 1,265 permanent employees – 712 men and 553 women – in diverse age categories.

In addition, Roularta Media Group relies on an extensive group of more than 1,300 freelance journalists, graphic artists and photographers to deliver high-quality content.

One Team, One Family

Our employees are the great strength and driving force behind everything the company realises. We therefore strive for sustainable interaction with our personnel. We want to spark their energy, capabilities, competences, talents, commitment and dedication. The big ambition is to also ensure that they are able to continuously renew themselves at Roularta Media Group.

We work here as one team, as one big family, in which everyone has their own, specific and important place. Hence our slogan ‘One Team, One Family’.

Training, information and documentation

Ongoing attention is paid to the personal development of all employees. To this end, we provide much training each year, both in-house and external.

We also regularly organise no-obligation evening information sessions on general topics, especially in the area of health. Past topics have included nutrition, burn-out, sleep, …

Speakers’ Corners and Academies are also organised at the various sites in which departments present themselves and new initiatives.


A ‘BAR HR’ for employees was introduced in 2019. This is a flexible remuneration system whereby employees can spend their BAR HR budget on specific remuneration elements related to the pillars Mobility, ICT & Mobile Devices and Work-Life Balance. The budget is created by replacing the end-of-year and purchasing power bonuses with a flexible remuneration budget at company level.


The company set up a Sports Committee a decade ago. Originally, this committee organised initiation lessons in various sports in order to allow employees to sample a sport unknown to them. From 2013, the Sports Committee went a step further and also organised moments for relaxation and social interaction among colleagues in workshops on flower arranging or colour analysis. In addition, the Sports Committee was also responsible for organising diverse presentations on current health issues such as sleep, nutrition, … Because the title Sports Committee no longer covered all the diverse activities it organised, a new name was sought. Since September 2018, all these activities have been offered to colleagues under the name Fun@Work.

The social role of Roularta Media Group

For employees, Roularta Media Group has developed ‘Roulactief’. Roulactief obtains the resources for its work from activities and from contributions from employees. µRoulactief organises numerous activities each year. We look for activities that appeal to employees. Examples of such activities that take place each year are the New Year’s reception, the Saint Luke party (staff party, named after St. Luke, the patron saint of printers and the graphic industry), St. Nicholas day and the St. Nicholas party, excursions to a specific region, a museum visit,…

In addition, Roulactief is also a solidarity fund. In the case of special events or emergency situations, support can be given via campaigns or the Roulactief ‘cash desk’. Finally, Roulactief donates to the senior citizen activities of the company.

We also fulfil a social, non-company-related role by investing in talent, culture and new initiatives.

For example, Roularta Media Group is one of the founding partners of ‘A Heart for West Flanders’, dedicated to vulnerable young people up to 18 years of age.

‘A Heart for West Flanders’ supports various initiatives by associations or organisations (non-profits, voluntary activities, community or parent committees, etc.) that focus on socially vulnerable children and young people in their neighbourhood, district or city. The focus here is on projects that – sometimes quite locally – can make a difference and that can also be a lever for broader initiatives that create new opportunities for this vulnerable target group. ‘A Heart for West Flanders’ is an initiative of the West Flanders Regional Fund in collaboration with Roularta Media Group, regional television channels Focus & WTV, the publications De Krant van West-Vlaanderen, De Streekkrant/ De Zondag, and with the support of the Province of West Flanders.


Roularta ensures that its management, employees, freelancers and business partners respect human rights, including fundamental labor standards. To prevent corruption and bribery, a code of ethics has been developed by Roularta Media Group, which is signed by all employees and freelancers.