

When using QXP, it is very important to bear the following points:

  • Image material must be supplied as a TIFF CMYK or EPS CMYK file. For the rest of the characteristics, the same rules apply as for digital image material. The images can be enlarged to maximum 130% and reduced to minimum 20%. 
  • Do not use electronic bold or italics, but always use the required type. 
  • About file sizes see pages Formats magazines, Formats papers, Formats Steps 
  • When using Pantone colours, these have to be converted to CMYK colours before the document is sent to Roularta. This is important to obtain correct colour separation when flashing. Converting is done by choosing on the menu bar 'Modify', 'Colours' and by choosing 'CMYK' as model and click off 'spotcolour'. 
    One exception for de Krant van West-Vlaanderen: deliver Pantone colors as cyan. 
  • To produce deep black: 100% K + 10% C. 
  • Only the texts on a coloured background (or surface) can have an "standard" layout. In all the other cases (e.g. text on text)or surface on surface) the upper element must be set "to knock out". 
  • Automatic trapping of 0.25 pt is used for the papers and for Steps, and 0.05 pt for the magazines.


It is not allowed to use unfamiliar symbols such as / \ * | < > [ ], to denominate the delivered files. The best signs you can use to divide names are _ and -

Additional remarks if, exceptionally, native files are delivered.

  • Always supply imported images. 
    This means that illustrations that are positioned on made-up pages should also be supplied separately in the same folder. In this way, if a problem arises with one of the imported images, we can put it back again. 
  • Any 'paste board xts' used (these are extra modules that may be used in QXP) should be supplied as these are necessary to be able to open the document properly. 
  • If compressed files are supplied, please also send the program to decompress them. This is not necessary if double-clicking the document supplied automatically decompresses the document. 
  • If other extensions were used to achieve the page layout, then these other extensions must be supplied too. 
    If OPI was used for page layout, then all the high-resolution images must be contained in the file.